The first mistake that people make when creating a presentation or pitch is… turning on the computer before they have a clear message.
Our brains need space to think of ideas without distraction by other details such as background color or fonts. It’s important to give yourself time to brainstorm before diving into slide design. You will save time overall if you think, brainstorm and clarify ideas first.
There are many great tools: paper and pen, white board, colored markers, post it notes and flash cards. You can use word association, mind mapping or walking and talking. Whatever works for you to let your brain think of ideas. Allow yourself to dump all ideas without editing.
To focus your mind to the most important ideas, think of these three W’s.
- Who is your audience? Describe their interests, education, knowledge of your topic.
- Why are you being asked to speak? Explain what you bring and your purpose.
- What is your main message? If your listeners remember only one thing a week after your presentation, what do you want to be? Make sure that that message is clear.
Once you can say your main message in less than 30 seconds, you are ready to make an outline.
Look at your brainstorming notes to find content that relates to your main message. Edit down to the most important ideas, not everything that you know. Use only key words. Allow your brain to map out the message and ideas so don’t write a script or get hung up on word usage.
When you are clear on one main message and key supporting points with content that reinforces your points…
Then you can turn on your computer.